Federal agencies ensure that program activities are fulfilling their intended objectives and missions.
Avanti offers over 20 years of regulatory support expertise to anticipate stakeholder needs; develop implementation plans; measure trends, patterns, benchmarks, and gaps; and assess program performance to ensure program performance.
Support to the EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxic's New Chemicals Program
EPA's New Chemicals Program helps manage the potential risk to human health and the environment from chemicals new to the marketplace. Avanti works on-site at EPA to support processing applications within the 30/90-day review timeline. Avanti's chemists and chemical engineers handle confidential business information; capture case discussions and decisions from assessors of human health, eco-toxicity, environmental exposure, and occupational exposure groups; provide database development and analyses; monitor timelines and correspondence; and publish information to EPA’s web site.
NPDES Permit Backlog Tracking and Priority Permitting
EPA requires states to establish a priority listing of the permits targeted for re-issuance under the Permitting for Environmental Results (PER) Strategy. Avanti prepares a candidate list of permits for consideration for designation as “priority permits” for states and Regions using a permit backlog list integrated with data on programmatic and environmental factors such as expiration dates, industrial type, size, and receiving waters on 303(d) list. Avanti also prepares the report cards on states' performance for EPA's website.
Coastal Spatial Planning for the Bureau of Ocean Management (BOEM) of the Department of the Interior
Executive Order (EO) 13547 establishes a National Policy for Stewardship of the Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes (NOP). The EO also adopts a flexible framework for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) to address conservation, economic activity, user conflicts, and sustainable use of our oceans, coasts and the Great Lakes. CMSP serves to formalize the process of collaborating among agencies to develop a more ecosystem-based approach to managing offshore resources. Avanti provided technical and coordination support for BOEM’s engagement in the CMSP initiative and related NOP priorities.
State Permit Program Quality Reviews
EPA oversees the delegation of NPDES permitting authority to states and periodically assesses the quality of the programs. Avanti performed a Permit Quality Review (PQR) to assess the California permitting program and its potential to maintain and improve water quality. Avanti reviewed permits for compliance with state water quality standards (WQS), effluent guidelines, state regulations, total maximum daily loads (TMDLs), and other state and regional guidance. EPA also reviewed several permits for compliance with federal and state mercury methods, impaired water bodies, TMDL, and E. coli requirements.