Avanti provides rapidly-deployable, certified inspectors to conduct accurate on-site inspections and compliance audits.
Inspections provide timely, accurate, and defensible information to the Agency on facility compliance and/or noncompliance with permits and regulations.
UST Inspections
Underground storage tanks (USTs) must be operated in compliance with RCRA Subtitle I UST regulations. Avanti inspectors are certified and have the required background checks to conduct EPA/state inspections. Inspections have been conducted for federal and commercial properties, including compliance with all security requirements for federal facilities inspected (e.g., background checks and provide fingerprints for each facility). Federal Building inspections conducted:
• Dirkson Senate Building
• US Supreme Court
• White House Parking Garage
• Washington Navy Yard
• FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC
• Walter Reed Hospital
Lead Inspections
Avanti provides certified staff to conduct lead-based paint inspections under TSCA regulations. Inspections review work practices and files of real estate, property management, and renovation offices. Avanti provides additional support during settlement conferences resulting from any violations found during the inspections.
Avanti conducted audits for EPA Regions 1, 2, 4, and 5, including file reviews for completeness, interviews with WWTP facility personnel, and site visits to industrial users to ensure compliance. Personnel interviews are twofold: 1) Determine knowledge/experience of personnel involved in the conduct of the WWTP pretreatment program; 2) Understand the history of the WWTP pretreatment program and determine any changes made by the WWTP. All data from chemical analysis to flow rates are evaluated to determine completeness, adherence to methods, and data acceptability. Site inspections of significant industrial users (SIUs) are a quality assurance check of the user operations as well as review of WWTP personnel knowledge of plant operations, wastestreams and safety requirements.
Facilities audited under this task include the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Chicago (“Stickney Plant”), the country’s largest POTW Pretreatment program; the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Deer Island Sewage Treatment Plant (STP); four WWTPs in the Atlanta area; and two in Chicago.