Data Management
Permit Compliance Assistance
Avanti operates the EPA NOI Call Center to support thousands of permittees covered under EPA’s general permits. Avanti staff answer technical questions via phone and email from both the regulated and regulatory communities, providing explanations of permit requirements and support for submitting data through EPA’s electronic system. Avanti’s outstanding customer service has been recognized by EPA.
“Contractor provides exceptional support to stakeholders and system user requests and agency requests for information.”
Compliance Targeting
Avanti transforms raw data into knowledge that informs policy makers. We maintain the Permit Management Oversight System (PMOS), a web-based system that enables EPA and states to prioritize compliance efforts. Avanti combines several data sources and ensures accuracy of updates to track state, federal, tribal, and general permits in one system.
Records Management
Without any organization, research, analyses, and data are not accessible and usable for federal agencies. Avanti has conducted large inventorying, archiving, and digitizing efforts for national programs, individual rule-makings, research contracts, and industrial characterization efforts.
For the national program chemicals PCBs and asbestos, Avanti scanned and inventoried thousands of documents to create online records of the rule-makings and all associated materials. This searchable database cut EPA FOIA request times from days to minutes.
For the EPA endocrine disruptors program, Avanti developed the inventory and index required to send thousands of project and contract files to the National Archives. Records included paper, digital records, and laboratory slides.